Tuesday, January 15, 2008


OK all three of you who read this blog, lately there have been rumblings in my house about what Nicole (me...I certainly hope you know that...) should do after graduation. Law school has been thrown out the window, mostly because the idea just makes my skin crawl now. Law school would be fun, and I know I would be successful, but being a lawyer is a whole different ball game, one I don't wanna play.
So anyway.... these are some things that my hubby and I have been tossing around PLEASE give feedback; not having any friends here sucks because there is no one to talk to. Adam just says "do what makes you happy" well thanks hunny, but LOTS of things could potentially make me happy. So here is the list (not in any sort of order):
1.) Go to graduate school (application has been submitted, won't get a decision for a couple weeks at least). Which is a full time commitment, no job.
2) Go to polytechnic school part time to study Ecological Reconstruction and work part time (did I mention we need moo-lah?)
3) Go to ASU and study Ecology and Evolution, which will lead to a masters program eventually (unless I suck at it) part time and work part time
4) do any of the above three AND join the Navy Reserves (which would give me money and the freedom to keep going to school but is an eight year commitment, however I could go in as an officer and would want to work in intelligence, which is what my current BA has prepared me for).

So, please give some feedback! Thanks much!


mitchellsbrain said...

In your position I would go for the navy. But you seem to have some unresolved issues with the government. That makes me think you shouldn't work for them.

mitchellsbrain said...

Have no fear...the voice of reason is here!!! ;o)
I say a classic pro/con list for each choice is in order here. This is kind of a big deal, not to be decided lightly.
Think about your final goal. Then choose a journey that you will be the most content with to reach that goal. Go with your gut, you will do well in whatever you choose...you know that! Love ya, Cuz! -km

CND said...

None of the above. I see no pressure to make a quick choice... time is on your side. Correct me if I am wrong, you have decided not to have kids... which really increases the amount of time that you have to make big choice like this.

I am always in support of more education... but not without a purpose. What would I do? Get a job or volunteer. This will let you know either what you don't want to do... or what you do want to do.

Slow down... you ain't even 30.

Ong said...

I also say that this decision can wait a bit. But I vote for the Master's degree. Another BA does not seem worthwhile in the long run, esp. if the end goal is always graduate school. Also, it is quite possible to work and get an MA at the same time, just ask me or Melissa. And I do not vote for anything that required an 8 year commitment...eek. Good luck with the choices. The world is your oyster! (Which is supposed to be a good thing, even though they are slimy.)

STEVE said...

I'd have to second everything Ong said. She's a smart one... couldn't have said it better.