Friday, January 25, 2008

7 and Sears

I am down 7 pounds (who-hoo!!) and I got a job at Sears, just part time to help get some of my student loans paid back, before I start racking up more that is.
I decided to get a second bachelors degree at ASU, I am going to study geological science. 8 Career tests can't be wrong can they? Thankfully I am currently taking a geology course and one day in class a light bulb went off and I thought " this stuff fascinates me, I can see myself doing this for a living". Geology is a booming career field right now and it is also very diverse. I am excited. I would go straight into a masters program but I don't have the background in earth science that they require.
We are now just waiting to see if we are still in fact going to Phoenix. Adam's orders were changed and he will be going to some training exercise thing for 6 weeks after he finishes his masters. Which means he misses his report date in Arizona. Hopefully they will just delay his report date, but hey its the Air Force they can mess with us all they want and we have to grin and bear it. Well maybe not grin but at least bear it! My fingers are crossed that we will still be going home.

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