Saturday, January 5, 2008

I'm not gonna live forever

So I have decided to pursue my dream now rather than later! I applied to ASU's Conservation Biology and Ecology program. My plan is this:
Upon arriving in Phoenix obtain a substitute teacher certificate (which requires a BA and fingerprint card; I will have my BA by then and have been fingerprinted in AZ before when teaching, easy enough to get) (Yes, I too am shocked at the ease of becoming a substitute teacher)
*The "why" of the above: We are buying our first house this spring and need two incomes, even if I only work part time. This will give me the time to:
Go to ASU and pursue the science degree that I so badly desire.
It should take me no more than two years to finish my second bachelor's degree since I have all of the gen eds completed and just need to do the specialization classes.
When I finish the BS I can pursue a Masters in whatever science field strikes my fancy, which may still be environmental planning but who knows? I may want to get a PhD in Ecology/Conservation Biology.
My husband likes this plan because, as I said, we need two incomes just in case we have to replace an A/C or something else unexpected.

I have my cousin Kristina to thank for the inspiration to follow my dream now rather than later. Who knows, I may not be alive later, already had one emergency surgery in the last 6 months.
So here is to following your dreams and how cliche is this but I am going to write it any way: carpe diem!

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