Friday, February 29, 2008

50 Days

Yesterday marked 50 days on Nutrisystem for me. I have hit a bit of a stall after the rapid weight loss in the beginning. I have lost 13.8 pounds total. The last 7 days I lost zero (but didn't gain!) and this morning I started to go down a bit again. I have not been faithful with my exercise because of school, but I have scheduled my classes for next quarter in such a way that I should have more time.
I spent four hours yesterday doing a total overhaul of my living room/dinning room/what used to be the bunny area. I got rid of a lot of furniture and thew away a bunch of junk, and put my "office" in the dining room where the bunnies used to be. It felt great to clean up and clear out and since I did all of the moving and heavy lifting on my own (shoulda taken pictures, it was a disaster area before) I am sure I burned a bunch of calories.
Still have not gotten orders from the AF. I bug my husband everyday to bug the people who issue them but alas, no orders. There is little I can do to prepare for the move without dates and orders. We are looking to rent a house in the Queen Creek area, I decided I needed to be wayyy out of town and away from the noisy, scary people in order to be happy in Phoenix. So I am going to take the free shuttle from the ASU east campus to the main everyday. The east campus just happens to be across the street from where Adam will be working.

Old news: I was too sad about it to share earlier but I think I made it clear from the previous statements that we no longer have Oreo and Fiona. We found them a great home with kids and a mom who loves them. Ever since we found out we would be moving to Phoenix we knew the girls would not be able to go. The 2,000 mile journey in the hot summer alone would most likely have killed them and the hot dry air of the desert would not have been healthy either. We miss them a lot but know that they are loved and being well cared for.


mitchellsbrain said...

Queen Creek is very far from surprise. I was hoping to burn calories with you by boxing on the wii everyday. Surprise is nice and out of the city, Or try avondale/goodyear.

Nicole Abbott-Pohl said...

Surprise is wayyyyy too far for Adam to drive everyday. I like the East side better than the West. I don't wanna play with you, you would beat the crap out of me, well the video me anyway. I suck at video games.

mitchellsbrain said...

I have the originaly playstation and some plug and play atari games. I'm not good at video games.