Thursday, February 14, 2008

Green Tip # 2, Valentine's Day

Valentines Day rivals Christmas for its wastefulness. Here are some tips to make your red day more green:

Fun Flowers
Valentine’s Day is the biggest event of the year for the floral industry, but unfortunately that can mean clouds of toxic pesticides sprayed upon fields far and near, harming waterways, soil and air quality and worker health. Luckily, a growing number of organically raised flowers are becoming available online, in health food stores and at better florists
Sweet, Sweet Chocolate
With its rich flavor and purported mood-enhancing ingredients, real chocolate is truly a divine treat. When you shop, aim for organic and fair trade brands (found at natural foods stores, online and now at major groceries), which ensure that tropical forests and workers receive important safeguards. You don’t want your bon bons to be responsible for loss of bonobo habitat.
Sparkling Jewelry
The good thing about jewelry is that it can last for generations; the bad thing is that it can result in strip-mined, toxic earth and poisoned workers. Buy vintage to cut out that impact, or shop from fair trade dealers, which ensure worker rights and protections.
Care-free Cards
The original and classic “I Love You” is the paper Valentine. So make yours out of recycled content! Not only is recycled paper widely available, but you can also get tree-free versions made from hemp, kenaf and other fibers. Beautiful cards are now preprinted on the greener material, or get crafty and make your own. E- Cards are always a great option too, especially for those long distance Valentine's.

Source: E-The Environmental Magazine

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