Friday, January 25, 2008

7 and Sears

I am down 7 pounds (who-hoo!!) and I got a job at Sears, just part time to help get some of my student loans paid back, before I start racking up more that is.
I decided to get a second bachelors degree at ASU, I am going to study geological science. 8 Career tests can't be wrong can they? Thankfully I am currently taking a geology course and one day in class a light bulb went off and I thought " this stuff fascinates me, I can see myself doing this for a living". Geology is a booming career field right now and it is also very diverse. I am excited. I would go straight into a masters program but I don't have the background in earth science that they require.
We are now just waiting to see if we are still in fact going to Phoenix. Adam's orders were changed and he will be going to some training exercise thing for 6 weeks after he finishes his masters. Which means he misses his report date in Arizona. Hopefully they will just delay his report date, but hey its the Air Force they can mess with us all they want and we have to grin and bear it. Well maybe not grin but at least bear it! My fingers are crossed that we will still be going home.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


OK all three of you who read this blog, lately there have been rumblings in my house about what Nicole (me...I certainly hope you know that...) should do after graduation. Law school has been thrown out the window, mostly because the idea just makes my skin crawl now. Law school would be fun, and I know I would be successful, but being a lawyer is a whole different ball game, one I don't wanna play.
So anyway.... these are some things that my hubby and I have been tossing around PLEASE give feedback; not having any friends here sucks because there is no one to talk to. Adam just says "do what makes you happy" well thanks hunny, but LOTS of things could potentially make me happy. So here is the list (not in any sort of order):
1.) Go to graduate school (application has been submitted, won't get a decision for a couple weeks at least). Which is a full time commitment, no job.
2) Go to polytechnic school part time to study Ecological Reconstruction and work part time (did I mention we need moo-lah?)
3) Go to ASU and study Ecology and Evolution, which will lead to a masters program eventually (unless I suck at it) part time and work part time
4) do any of the above three AND join the Navy Reserves (which would give me money and the freedom to keep going to school but is an eight year commitment, however I could go in as an officer and would want to work in intelligence, which is what my current BA has prepared me for).

So, please give some feedback! Thanks much!


I have lost 5.2 pounds thus far. My pants already feel better and I already feel better because I know that the work is paying off. NutriSystem ROCKS!!!
Adam too a "before" picture of me last night, but I guess it will be a little off, since I have been on the diet for 7 days now. You can see my surgical scars in the photo too, gross. I am NOT posting the pic until I reach my goal weight because it is disgusting.

Friday, January 11, 2008

1 down, 29 to go

I have lost my first pound! Whooo! There is such a feeling of triumph after stepping on that scale and seeing that you are indeed one pound lighter. This is since Tuesday, so I think what I am doing is working! The key to successful measurements: always weigh yourself at the same time everyday to minimize weight fluctuations that occur naturally throughout the day.

Adam and I start yoga class tomorrow!! SO excited!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Here I go again

A week after my wedding in 2005 I came to the realization (quite abruptly) that I had gained nearly 30 pounds in just a few months. Lets just say I didn't look so hot in my wedding dress, and I have hidden all of my wedding pictures... Stress will do that to you I guess, you stuff your face without even realizing it. So.. I went to LA Weight Loss and started a program and ended up losing 26 pounds. Then we moved to Ohio and I kinda stopped doing it, I lost the support I had in AZ and I was always frantic with school and such. Long story short I have gained back half the weight I lost.
Tomorrow I am starting NurtiSystem. It is fantastic because for $300 a month someone else makes all my food for me (3 meals a day plus one dessert!!!) and all I have to do is open the package and viola! Even if I don't lose a pound this will be great since I ate an egg for breakfast and a bottle of cranberry juice for lunch today because I didn't have time to make anything else while running from class to class to library to do work to class again.
I am hoping to lose some major poundage and since my hubby is leaving me in a couple of months he won't be here to be a bad influence (skinny little pencil that he is, eats whatever the heck he wants...grrr...) I shall give the plan 6 months and hope to see some progress in that time.
Also will start exercising again, which I was doing diligently 5 or more times a week until the whole gallbladder fiasco took the energy and the will out of me. But by golly I will do it again!

Here is to wearing cuter jeans and feeling healthy again!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Fun with Plarn

I began reading a great book, "Living Green". It has inspired me to once again crochet with plarn. What is plarn, you may be asking? Plarn is "yarn" made from plastic grocery bags. My first quest: a shopping bag crocheted with plarn. I am excited.
Things I plan to make with plarn:
-pot scrubbers
-grocery bag holders
-outdoor rug
I shall post pics when any of these are actually finished, but winter classes begin in 30 hours (not that I am counting or anything) so it is unlikely that they will be completed anytime soon.

I'm not gonna live forever

So I have decided to pursue my dream now rather than later! I applied to ASU's Conservation Biology and Ecology program. My plan is this:
Upon arriving in Phoenix obtain a substitute teacher certificate (which requires a BA and fingerprint card; I will have my BA by then and have been fingerprinted in AZ before when teaching, easy enough to get) (Yes, I too am shocked at the ease of becoming a substitute teacher)
*The "why" of the above: We are buying our first house this spring and need two incomes, even if I only work part time. This will give me the time to:
Go to ASU and pursue the science degree that I so badly desire.
It should take me no more than two years to finish my second bachelor's degree since I have all of the gen eds completed and just need to do the specialization classes.
When I finish the BS I can pursue a Masters in whatever science field strikes my fancy, which may still be environmental planning but who knows? I may want to get a PhD in Ecology/Conservation Biology.
My husband likes this plan because, as I said, we need two incomes just in case we have to replace an A/C or something else unexpected.

I have my cousin Kristina to thank for the inspiration to follow my dream now rather than later. Who knows, I may not be alive later, already had one emergency surgery in the last 6 months.
So here is to following your dreams and how cliche is this but I am going to write it any way: carpe diem!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I should have switched majors

a long time ago. If I could do it all over again I would have chosen environmental science. But since I am two quarters away from graduating I suppose it is a little late to change now. A political science degree is great for making you open your eyes to the world and to think critically. However, it also shoves in your face all the things "normal" people try to avoid, like politics, sensitive issues like abortion, gay marriage, environmental degradation and violence. It is such a depressing major. I am glad that the torture is almost over. Soon I will be in a graduate program where the focus is much more narrow and not so heart wrenching (I hope). Perhaps I will return to school and seek the elusive science degree after having a job for a few years and paying off all my loans.

It is official, I am now an anarchist, I give up on government, what good is it really doing us? Seriously. Sorry to all those I offend with this statement but: imagine how much less violence there would be without religion and without politics??? Ughh I shall never get my wish, I know.
For now I will join the U.S. Green Party, a party with all the right ideas but alas no one will listen because they will never win any major elections because the American public would rather choose a president based on what church he or she attends and how many times a week. I am now checking out for the rest of the campaign season, what happens happens, it couldn't possibly be any worse than Bush and the Puppet Master could it??? Could it.....?? How easy is it to get Canadian citizenship....