Friday, June 29, 2007


Well I have a brand new diagnosis for my constant pain. Endometriosis. I had never hear of it but the doc is certainly thinking this may be what is causing my pain, headaches, bladder and kidney problems, and the mess of other things wrong with me. Endometriosis is when uterine cells find themselves outside of the uterus and begin growing all over the body, they follow menstrual cycles and break down a little and bleed, but unlike when the growths are in the uterus they have no where to bleed out of, thus causing internal bleeding, organ inflammation, and intense pain. Not to mention many, many other things. (If you are interested in reading more about it see I have to have surgery for a positive diagnosis, but I do have an ultrasound on the 18th to see (if it is this) just how much growth there is and if they will be able to remove it during a laproscopy surgery. So in sum, I am hurting more intensely than ever before, but am finally getting some answers. Thank Congress for free military health care, I am certainly going to need it. I will give updates as I learn more. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

CND said...

Be sure to keep us up to date!