Monday, June 18, 2007


Ended up going to Virginia, had lots of fun, but man was that a long drive (went all alone). My niece is unbelievably gorgeous. I wanted to steal her. And I am a terrible person and managed to take only one photograph.
Got my hair cut and dyed today, I look human again. I am diggin' the dark brown dye and the short bob, textured, flip, thingy... not sure how else to describe it.
Started my internship last week. I have learned so much in one week that it is a little astonishing, wondering what the heck I have been learning about for the last 4 years of college?
The staff attorney that I work with is awesome, she has been barred for less than a year, so it is nice to work with someone close to my age. I have only met the judge once but have read lots of his decisions, seems like a level-headed guy. I am really looking forward to the rest of the summer there. Though it is hard to get up early 5 days a week. I don't start any new classes until July 16th or so, so no homework is awesome!
We bought a new couch this weekend, but smooth us rented a U-haul to take the old one to Goodwill on Saturday and our new one is not getting delivered until Thursday. So it is camp chairs for us! Luckily getting the old couch out of the house gave us a reason to do some serious spring cleaning and now the house looks MUCH better. So that is a load of stress off. Two people in school full time one working on their masters = cluttered house. Should have seen that coming. The rabbits are certainly no help in that matter.
Reading: A People's History of the Supreme Court, excellent book, in preparation for my Supreme Court class this fall. Will probably spend most of the summer reading it, as it is rather lengthy.

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