Sunday, June 3, 2007

First Blog, Ever!

Ok, first blog...ever. What is it exactly that you say that you would not mind the whole world seeing? Oh well, judge all you want world.
I hate Sundays. There is always the regret that you did not do something really exciting on Saturday and the dread that you must return to work, school, etc. tomorrow. Luckily I do not have work, or school tomorrow. Just two four page papers for my Chinese Politics final and two, two page papers for Sign Language. Have not started on either. Not too worried though, hoping that tomorrow or later today I actually feel like writing them.
I think I will start a list of all the books that I read, which will grow massive over the summer but be slim after Fall classes start again. Speaking of, just wanted to express how very excited I am that only have 4 more quarters of school left (including summer). So very,very, ready to start law school. So tired of silly young college kids and their silly ways.
Well I suppose that is enough for one post. Watch out world, Nicole is blogging! Prepare yourself!


The Pohl said...

Cool blog, I hope you keep posting.

CND said...

Welcome to the blogging world!