Saturday, November 24, 2007


Time changes people. I learned this over Thanksgiving. I noticed more than anything that I have changed. I had a wonderful time with my family on Thanksgiving. I used to dread spending time with family, hated the feeling of being judged. But I learned that not everyone in my family is judgemental. I felt free to be myself and found that I had a lot more fun that way.
Thanks to my cousins for their hospitality. I feel I got to know people I have known for many years on a different level, and I love and appreciate those people that I have rediscovered.
OK, enough sap for one post.


mitchellsbrain said...

I'm all warm and fuzzy inside.
We won't invite the blogfather next year either. It's so nice not having him in town for once. He can be so judgmental. Your talking about chris right. Ha Ha Ha!

STEVE said...

Where's the love for the food?? I think that deserves its own posting.