Friday, November 9, 2007

Update, by special request

The quarter is almost over (yeah!). I have been working my ass off trying to keep my 4.0 GPA. The surgery in the second week of the quarter really screwed me up. We shall see when grades come out in a couple of weeks if my efforts were successful.
I leave for Arizona on Tuesday to watch my niece while me mom is in Italy (soooo jealous). I am excited to see her and get to spend some time with her. Though starting in the spring I will get to spend a lot of time with her because:
WE ARE MOVING TO TEMPE!! I am so excited. I realized a few mornings ago when I walked outside and could literally feel my insides freezing that it was time to head home to the Southwest. I have already started the application process for ASU. I have decided to avoid law school altogether (perhaps someday soon I will feel like getting into all the details as to why I made that decision, now is not the time).
So I am applying for a masters program. I will be getting a Master of Urban and Environmental Planning, specializing in environmental planning. It is with the environment that my passion lies and so I am going to pursue my passion so that I have a reason to get out of bed every morning. My ultimate goal is to join the Peacecorps when Adam gets out of the Air Force and travel abroad and help the people of other countries learn to live sustainably. Perhaps someday America will be ready to accept the fact that its capitalistic ways have destroyed the planet, and some of that damage is irreversible. I am not going to wait to start fixing things until it is completely destroyed (thus, my reason for not being a republican, I don't want to let future generations have to deal with the problems I have created, did someone say deficit??) Sorry to any republicans who read this, wait no I'm not, its true and if you don't know that about your own party, perhaps it is time to get educated and if you are ok with letting future generations deal with your problems, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP HAVING CHILDREN JUST SO THEY CAN BE PUNISHED FOR YOUR MISTAKES!!!
Wow am I snippy today, I am going to go watch Seinfeld reruns and cheer myself up.

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