Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Personal PSA

I was deeply disturbed by something I read on another person's blog. This person is a member of my family, and thus what I read concerned me even more. I felt compelled to research the following and "spread the word" (to use the phrase of those great folks at PBS):
1) Islam is NOT a religion of violence or hate. The groups who perpetuate such myths are those who are known as Islamic Fundamentalists and that is not the same thing as Islam. Like all classical religions some of the beliefs are antiquated, but the beauty of the religion is still relevant in today's modern world.
For more information please see "The truth about Islam in 600 words" at:
2) All religions have sects that are not true to the teachings of the religion that seek to pervert the good things about the faith in order to seek their own gain. For example: Christianity has some seriously frightening hate groups (if you do not believe me check out the Southern Poverty Law Center's website at:

NOTE:By perpetuating the myth that Islam is a religion of terrorists and wife beaters we are perpetuating hate, something fundamentalists of any religion thrive on. I beg everyone to not fall into the trap of attacking a religion based on things that have no basis in truth. This will only cause our world to be more hate filled and hate only leads to violence and destruction (I am pretty sure Yoda may have said this too...).
You may be surprised that this is coming from an atheist, but know that I first began researching atheism because of how people have perpetuated falsities and corrupted beautiful ideologies. Again, please do not start slandering me unless you have some facts to back it up with. I will save you some time and clear up a couple of common misconceptions:
1)Atheist and "devil worshipper" are not analogous terms, we do not believe in a devil so how can we worship one?
2) This is a statement someone actually made to me, "You're an atheist?? But you're so... NICE!" Yes, morality can exist with out religion (I know, you are shocked). I believe in human respect, and a respect for all living things (which is also why I hold the political ideology of environmentalist (yes that is a REAL ideology as well). Any questions or comments about this are more than welcome.
Consider yourself informed, don't you feel better already?


mitchellsbrain said...

I'm very sorry that you took my web site seriously. It was for entertainment only. I had no intent to upset you please revisite my site. I have posted my appology and changed the exlpination of my web site to be for entertainment purpose only. I have also posted a link to your site so I can help change the steriotype of islam. I only know what I see and read so fell free to inform me any time. If it's a positive thing it usually dosn't get reported on. There is always a better side to what is being reported. This I know.
sorry again,

Ong said...

Congratulations Steve and Nicole...this is what we in the blogosphere call "cross-blog talk". It is just one of the many ways this medium is such a unique form of communication. As a comm major I am proud of you both...but I do think Steve is harmless. :)