Sunday, November 25, 2007

Old Lady

I turn 24 tomorrow. I have no idea where the time went. It seems to me that from age 16 to 20 all I wanted to do was get older. I am ready to stop now, will someone please tell time that I am done getting older. Thanks for the ride, but I think I will hop off the linear timeline right here.
Well that didn't seem to work, so I must accept it, but I will still whine. On the plus side, Adam and I are going to Sima tomorrow, a fabulous sushi restaurant, to "celebrate" that I am one year closer to death.
Some random thoughts:

*It is weird not having anything to do, being out of school and not having a regular job... I feel useless on breaks. It is time for my nerdy-ness to kick in, I will start reading and outlining my textbooks for next quarter. I must be doing something right though, checked my grades yesterday, and I still have my 4.0, even after having surgery in week 2 of the quarter. Busting your ass pays off. Not really sure what I am working so hard for now that I am not applying for law school anymore. But I like the challenge of setting the bar so high, and I hope to get some scholarships for grad school.
*Adam is sick, came down with the dreaded "Arizona virus", I am almost over it, still a little congested but am on the mend.
*Speaking of Arizona, having a rough time finding an area I want to live in in Phoenix. I drove around down there for 5 hours and found about 3 blocks I would be ok with living in. Not very comforting. But we will manage, and it is not forever.
* * Addendum: the Thanksgiving food was amazing, I have never had a meal so decadent. The mushroom gravy made by my cousin was awesome. Thanksgiving can still be awesome without eating a bird... or any other strange looking land-based creatures. (p.s., I am proud to be a tree hugger) =)


mitchellsbrain said...

Being older isn't all that bad It's just long gap between high school and retirement thats got me.
I want to be an old man so I can be expected to say crazy things, and complain about how busy I am with golfing, vacations, and dinner partys.

Ong said...

Happy Birthday, you old grandma you! Just kidding of course :)

STEVE said...

Happy Birthday!! Just remember we all just keep getting better with age.... like cheese, but not as smelly. Maybe wine would have been a more uplifting analogy.

amu311bd said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Not to make you feel worse, but you should embrace 24...25 and 26 were pretty hard for me to take, especially 26. ;)