Friday, March 14, 2008


Adam finished his thesis and defense and turned in his final work for publication. He had a sweet blurb in his acknowledgement section about me. Kinda made me teary eyed =). His actual graduation ceremony is on the 27th. I will do my best to remember to bring the camera, boys in blues photograph well =).
We have rented a cabin the Hocking Hills state park for a few days next week. I am super excited. We are going to eat, play games, and hike. Basically enjoy our last bit of time together before Adam leaves me for ASBC (training in Alabama for 6 weeks).
I have one more final and winter quarter will be complete! Whoo! One more quarter and I will be a college graduate! yeah me!
I have now lost a total of 15.6 pounds and one pant size. I am super happy, and excited to lose the rest.

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