Tuesday, March 18, 2008

For the Next 10 Days:

This site will be dedicated to vegetarianism and an organic lifestyle!
I am reading the most fascinating book I have ever laid eyes on (which is saying a lot). It is called Harvest For Hope and was written by one of my personal heroes, Ms. Jane Goodall. Here are some quotes to get the 10 days of veg-o started!

"There are so many, many ways in which we are destroying the planet. And once we understand, once we care, then we have to do something." (xix)
"If we continue to allow the corporate world to control our food supply, we could devour or poison, within the next half century, all the food resources that sustain us." (xxiii)
"It is desperately imortant to cut back on the current greedy consumption of meat that is the norm for many around the world." (104)

Friday, March 14, 2008


Adam finished his thesis and defense and turned in his final work for publication. He had a sweet blurb in his acknowledgement section about me. Kinda made me teary eyed =). His actual graduation ceremony is on the 27th. I will do my best to remember to bring the camera, boys in blues photograph well =).
We have rented a cabin the Hocking Hills state park for a few days next week. I am super excited. We are going to eat, play games, and hike. Basically enjoy our last bit of time together before Adam leaves me for ASBC (training in Alabama for 6 weeks).
I have one more final and winter quarter will be complete! Whoo! One more quarter and I will be a college graduate! yeah me!
I have now lost a total of 15.6 pounds and one pant size. I am super happy, and excited to lose the rest.

Cats are not big fans of the vet

We took both Charlotte and Maya to the vet today. It was an adventure. Charlotte about clawed the assistant to death when she picked her up to trim her claws and weigh her. Then the hair started flying. I swear there was an inch on the floor of the exam room by the time we left. Maya was an angel, of course, but was still not a happy camper.
Both girls are now up to date on all of their shots and are healthy. Apparently Charlotte had ear mites from the shelter we got her from and gave them as a present to Maya. That was gross. The people we got her from lied to us, they SWORE she had just been checked for mites and just had some dirt in her ears. Filthy liars!! =) So now we get to put two drops of smelly yuck in both kitties' ears for 7-10 days. If you have a cat or have had a cat you know just how fun trying to put stuff in their ears can be. ughhh.
The vet also said they are both fit for the journey to Arizona and will most likely not require any type of tranquilizers. She gave us some good tips on what to do to make the journey easier for them. It is still going to be a nightmare but worth it to bring them with us!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Green Tip #4

This one may not be a real simple one for most people, but I made the transition easily and haven't looked back. If you do it for the right reasons it can be very satisfying:


There are several sites for the many, many reasons to do this but here are a few of my favorite:
If all Americans became vegetarian, it would free enough grain to feed 600,000,000 people (the population of India)
If they continue to clear American forests to raise cattle at the present rate, in 50 years there will be none left
The destruction of the rain forest by cattle farmers is destroying the lungs of the planet & reducing the worlds capacity to replenish our oxygen supply
25 gallons of water to produce 1lb of wheat & 2500 gallons to produce 1lb of meat
Vegetarians have a 20% lower rate of mortality from all causes (ie. they live longer & don't get sick as often)
Meat contains absolutely nothing - no proteins, vitamins or minerals - that the human body cannot obtain perfectly happily from a vegetarian diet.

(from: 101 Reasons to go Vegetarian)

The list goes on and on and on, here is another site if you are interested in more info.

Quote of the week

To add to my endeavor to post a green tip every week I am also endeavoring to post a quote every week as well. I will post things that I think provoke thought, amusement, or simply alleviate my bordeom.
So here is the first quote, take from it what you will, I love it:

People in the West are always getting ready to live.
—Chinese Proverb


I try hard to tolerate all sorts of people. I have no problem liking, respecting and even adoring people who are of different physical appearances, orientation, religion (well most of them... =)). But I have a really hard time liking people who have a pile of dog poop for personality. I can get past most anything except the following list, these people boil my blood and make me run for the hills:
-People who thrive on confrontation and making other people feel bad . I mean the type who go out of their way to see others cry, just because, with no provocation at all. I despise senseless confrontation, I can't for the life of me understand why it makes people feel good about themselves. (Note the "senseless" qualifier, sometimes confrontation is a great thing, but it absolutely should have a reason, any reason at really, not just "oh I think I am better than you so watch me hurt you")
-People who think they live on an island. I mean this metaphorically of course. These are people who think their behavior will in no way affect anyone else on the planet. I have news for you "islanders" EVERYTHING you do affects some other organism, be it human, ape, tree, crustacean, or even future living things. We live in an extremely interconnected ecosystem. Conscientious awareness is a spectacular thing, if you are not doing it, you should give it a try, it can make you understand the world better if you view it as an interconnected system. Once I realized this I became a much happier person, it makes everything you do have a purpose (that is if you choose to contribute in a positive way to the ecosystem, which can sometimes mean doing nothing at all). Being a part of something bigger than yourself is an awesome thing.
-People who practice violence as their ONLY means of portraying their thoughts, feelings or emotions. Hey, sometimes people need a nice kick in the ass when they are being stupid, but if punching someone in the mouth is the only way you can express yourself you are going to have some serious problems functioning on this little blue marble.

In the words of my very enlightened Uncle, "I like all kinds of people as long as they are good people".
Luckily I am one of those humanist types that thinks just about everyone can choose to be a good person (despite past transgressions). There are those who I don't have much hope for, but it is a very small number and I have yet to actually meet a person who fits this description, though I know they probably exist (i.e. Stalin, Hitler).