Monday, December 3, 2007


Mondays are not so bad when you don't have school... or a job to go to. This is only my second winter break since I became a full time student (meaning: not going to school and working 40 hours a week). I hate the feeling that I am not getting anything done. I have been making Christmas presents for a few weeks now and that has helped keep me active. I cross stitch and crochet like no body's business. I just wish my favorite hobbies involved some form of exercise. I feel like such a lump, at least when I am in school I have to walk two miles to and from classes and to and from the parking lot.

Some good news:
I finished my application for grad school, I just have to find one more professor willing to write me a letter of recommendation and get my transcripts sent to ASU. It is exciting to think that at this time next year I will be one semester into my master's work. Deciding not to go to law school was probably the second best decision I have ever made (the first would be marrying my husband). I feel excitement about the future and not dread, as I did when contemplating law school. I know I could have handled it mentally, but that gauntlet is not something I want to put myself through for a legal system that I no longer have faith in. The only thing in this world I have passion about is seeing the human race not extinguish itself before my niece is old and gray. We WILL NOT survive if we continue to live as the species of maximum harm on this planet. If you doubt that statement at all you seriously need to do some research. I am not just talking about global warming, I mean pollution, destruction of biomass, lack of clean drinking water and biodiversity. There is going to be a food war on this planet and the only way to slow it is by ceasing the planting of food crops on top of forest. Overpopulation is causing our biggest problems, but try telling that to a nation full of Catholics.
For further information on the information presented here please see the following books, or as I like to think of them, my personal sources of guidance:
1.) Beyond Civilization by Daniel Quinn (in my opinion the most important book ever written)
2.) Ismael, also by Daniel Quinn (may need to be read first in order to understand Beyond Civilization)
3) ANYTHING written by Jared Diamond; including: Collapse; Guns, Germs and Steel; and the one I am currently reading, The Third Chimpanzee.
I beg of anyone to read just one of these books (but all would be best), I guarantee it will change your way of thinking, and if doesn't, you weren't paying attention.

** I realize my posts make me seem like a bitter husk of a person, but I swear I am not, I love humanity and I love life, which is why I care about these things so much.


mitchellsbrain said...

I'm going to run for president of the united states on my blog or get a blog dedicated to it. I will watch the debates and answer the questioned asked of the canidates like I would if I was running for president. You should do this with me. It could be very fun.

CND said...

I would be willing to run on the Independent ticket for President. It would add a whole new meaning to Mercury State... the Mercury States of America... I like it.

Dr. Atkinson said...

I agree with you about the need to change the world! The only problem is that people have been trying to change the world for thousands of years and it just gets worse. The Bible tells us what the end of the story for the world is anyway so all our efforts are futile in trying to save it. Even if we could--who just wants to spend a lifetime working hard and just die and go out of existense? With no meaning to life? I am POSITIVE that I am going to live forever with Jesus in a place where all life is respected and where there will be no more suffering, sorrow, or tears and only wonderful happiness forever and ever with a "New Heaven and New Earth, where the lion will lay down with the lamb and there will be no more destruction of the planet or animals or each other!! Praise God!
Grandpa John