Friday, December 14, 2007


This was a comment I left on my cousin's blog regarding his worry about the glow in the dark cats in Korea:

Speaking as a political scientist, there is little to fear from Korea. The North can hardly feed its own people, the South relies on the trade of the Western World for its survival. I do not think glow in the dark cats is a sign of the end, but I do think it is cruel and horrendous to screw with nature in that way. There seems to be no logical purpose for creating animals such as these, I feel bad for the cats, not concerned for humanity. At least not because of this, I would be more concerned with our desire to destroy our environment if I were you. There will be no where for people to clone cats if the planet has run out of resources.

** There is a lot of scary, horrible things in the world, but I believe our efforts should be concentrated on sustainability rather than novelty cats. Shame on you scientists for wasting your time torturing felines instead of finding ways to save humanity from itself.

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