Monday, April 21, 2008

I am a horrible person

This has been a rough month for me and in order to get everything else done in my life the blog had been put on the back burner.
I promise the 10 days of health with come, just not sure when. Not to make excuses for myself but here is what I have been doing:
-My husband left me in Ohio all alone for AF training in Alabama. He has been gone 2 weeks and will be gone for another 4. This in itself has been VERY hard to deal with, and having the movers come 2 days after he gets back means that getting the house ready to go falls on me, as does everything else. ughhh.
-I have been "sick": having weird heart palpitations. I now have an ultra stylish heart monitor strapped to my side and itchy pads on my chest and have to push a button that makes the device screech like a banshee when I have an "episode". There is a whole mess of issues associated with the logistics of this little thing and I don't want to get into it, I will say that the phone company we use SUCKS!!
-I graduate in about 6 weeks, not sure if I have senioritis or what but I have been slacking majorily with course work, and now feel overwhelmed, which of course doesn't help my heart issues.
-On a plus side I have a wonderful new friend (yes, amazing as it is, Nicole made a friend, all by herself). Sad that I have to leave her after we have grown so close. I am watching her dog for a week while she is in Hawaii, and the cats hate the dog (which is a major understatement) but luckily he does not mind them (or want to make dinner of them).
-I have been chairing a number of panels at school, which are always at the ass crack of dawn, so I am sleepy and cranky the rest of the day.
-Relay for Life was this weekend, I managed to tough it out for 12 hours despite my heart freaking out for most of the night, and I got sunburned and bit by a spider... inside of my shoe... not sure how that happened exactly.

So there it is, my sorry excuses for letting my blog go to poo. I promise that when I start feeling normal again I will be more diligent. Until then, you will just have to wait on the edge of your seat for Nicole's next stimulating post. =)

1 comment:

mitchellsbrain said...

Come on now you just wanted me to think I was blocked. LOL
Hope you fell better soon. My blog has been suffering also.