Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!!!

Got this from Low Impact Living Blog, great site to begin with and a great article below:

Well it’s a magical day here on our planet– it’s Earth Day. We hope you are all planning to do some serious celebrating. Perhaps you are going for a hike– or even doing something outstanding like a beach clean up!

But we have to admit that here at Low Impact Living we’re a bit conflicted about Earth Day. It’s excellent that we all take this day to give praise to our planet, of course. But shouldn’t we all be living an “Earth Life”? We’d like to encourage all of us to move from celebrating one day on to embracing a year-around approach to living that gives Mother Nature a big high five of support.

To quote a popular election refrain these days, “Yes we can.” Here are seven things we hope you’ll agree are pretty easy to do on an on-going basis. If we can all integrate these seven simple steps into our “Earth Life” we will really be friends of our favorite planet.

1. Give up bottled water– for good. Drink from a glass at home, take your own reusable jug or bottle to the gym, and encourage your office to get a water filter or a water service. Americans throw out over 40 million plastic bottles each year and over 80% end up in landfills. If everyone on your block stopped using bottled water you could probably cut out 5000 bottles each year.

2. Buy green power from your utility. You can pay a few extra dollars each month and support power generation from renewable, clean sources like wind, water and biomass. Click here to learn more about programs in your area.

3. Eat meat (at least) one fewer day per week. Raising animals for meat (particularly beef) places an incredible strain on our natural resources. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, one pound of red meat is responsible for 20 times the land use, five times the water use, and three times the greenhouse gas pollution compared with a portion of beans or pasta.

4. Take reusable bags to the grocery store. No more paper or plastic. Just good old canvas. The average American uses over 500 plastic shopping bags a year– but you are not an Average American!

5. Fly one time less each year. Plane travel is one of the greatest sources of carbon emissions (and global warming). Maybe you could drive or take a train to your destination. Or consider planning a vacation closer to home. To learn more about the impacts of flying, click here.

6. Buy less stuff. New products require the destruction of trees, the use of petroleum for plastics, shipping, packaging…our incessant chain of production and consumption chain is one of great threats to the sustainability of our planet. Can you use that sweater another year? Maybe you could swap some furniture items with a friend. Perhaps you can you get something on Craig’s List rather than at Toys-R-Us?

7. Make sure you are recycling as much as possible. You need to know your city’s rules. We’re amazed by the number of people in our city, Los Angeles, who don’t know they can recycle ALL types of plastic and styrofoam. You may be able to recycle more than you think!

Monday, April 21, 2008

I am a horrible person

This has been a rough month for me and in order to get everything else done in my life the blog had been put on the back burner.
I promise the 10 days of health with come, just not sure when. Not to make excuses for myself but here is what I have been doing:
-My husband left me in Ohio all alone for AF training in Alabama. He has been gone 2 weeks and will be gone for another 4. This in itself has been VERY hard to deal with, and having the movers come 2 days after he gets back means that getting the house ready to go falls on me, as does everything else. ughhh.
-I have been "sick": having weird heart palpitations. I now have an ultra stylish heart monitor strapped to my side and itchy pads on my chest and have to push a button that makes the device screech like a banshee when I have an "episode". There is a whole mess of issues associated with the logistics of this little thing and I don't want to get into it, I will say that the phone company we use SUCKS!!
-I graduate in about 6 weeks, not sure if I have senioritis or what but I have been slacking majorily with course work, and now feel overwhelmed, which of course doesn't help my heart issues.
-On a plus side I have a wonderful new friend (yes, amazing as it is, Nicole made a friend, all by herself). Sad that I have to leave her after we have grown so close. I am watching her dog for a week while she is in Hawaii, and the cats hate the dog (which is a major understatement) but luckily he does not mind them (or want to make dinner of them).
-I have been chairing a number of panels at school, which are always at the ass crack of dawn, so I am sleepy and cranky the rest of the day.
-Relay for Life was this weekend, I managed to tough it out for 12 hours despite my heart freaking out for most of the night, and I got sunburned and bit by a spider... inside of my shoe... not sure how that happened exactly.

So there it is, my sorry excuses for letting my blog go to poo. I promise that when I start feeling normal again I will be more diligent. Until then, you will just have to wait on the edge of your seat for Nicole's next stimulating post. =)