Thursday, October 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Christopher!

Happy Birthday to the best big brother in the world (seriously... I am not just blowing smoke, you are the best). =)
I love you!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


I realized that I had yet to put a picture of Maya on here. She is the best kitty in the world. I used to hate cats but this little thing has won me over. She is busy chasing flies around the house (have no idea how they keep getting in here...). Doesn't that face just say "love me"?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I'm going to prison

On Tuesday Oct. 9th....
For a County Awareness of Prison Systems program. Its for school, I promise, and I hope they don't make me stay. The program sounds very interesting, we get to experience what life is like in a medium security prison, listen to presentations from lifers and be locked in solitary confinement. It is recommend for perspective law students who may be interested in a career in criminal law. Criminal law is on my list of interests, but we shall see how interested I will be in visiting clients after Tuesday.

Other than that,
Took the LSAT on Saturday. I did my best and what more could I ask for? I do not find out my score until Oct. 22nd. So I have a lot of anxious waiting to do until then.

I have a midterm tomorrow in Supreme Court so I should get back to studying. whoo.